Debbie Rochon

Cult icon of the horror genre,Debbie Rochon, Scream Queen of the Decade.

Rochon is a praised Canadian Indie actrice who has been in over 200 movies, mostly horror. She's probably best known for her work for Troma Entertainment with movies like The Troma System,  Tromeo & Juliet,  Terror Filmer, Citizen Toxie & The Toxic Avenger IV. One of her most critically acclaimed movies is the Italian movie 'Colour from the Dark'. An H.P Lovecraft based movie where she plays a farmers posessed wife in the waryear 1943.

Recently Rochon made her directors début with a feature length film 'Model Hunger', released this year. She's attracted to absurd comedy as-well as dramatic horrifying roles.

Her work received an abundance of praise over the years. In October 2004 she was entered into the 'B-movie Hall of Fame' and was announced 'Scream Queen of the Decade' by Draculina Magazine in 2003.