Once a year or so a BUTFF programmer is lucky enough to see a work so different, so weird, you immediately want to share it with everyone. Thanatomorphose is such a novel and original film, as beloved as the horror genre may be, unfortunately most works suffer from formula and repetitions constructions. Thanatomorphose however interfaces with experimental and minimalist cinema, making it refreshing.
The medical therm 'Thanatamorphose' describes the change the human body is subjected to after the onset of death.
The movies female protagonist is in the unfortunate situation that her own death occurred, with her spirit still alive, the physical deterioration of the body is setting in. We follow a detailed along medical accurate account of the process, in ground-breaking design and stunning special-effects, and the movies impressive noise-soundtrack will stick to your mind.
It is quite a challenge to experience this film and definitely not for the squeamish, those who'll stick to the end will be rewarded with a jaw-dropping finale!
Thanatomorphose, 99 min, Canada, Engels spoken, no subs, dir Éric Falardeau